Morning Service | 9:30am
Evening Service | 5:00pm
N-119/149, Juggie Dera Gazi, Pitam Pura, Delhi, 110034.
Tamil - Hindi Bilingual Service | Join us for praise & worship#fellowship#family time | Every Sunday Morining service 9:30am @ Satyaniketan | Evening Service 5:00pm @ Pitampura.
CAG Church which offers a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, beginning with salvation and moving to a newness of life, which can only come through the power of God in a surrendered life.
* Gather to worship together each week and have found that true unity is possible through Jesus Christ.
* Fellowship of believers who are burdened to pray and seek the heart of God.
* Let God speak to your life today. His thoughts towards you are precious and strong enough to build upon. He cares for you in ways unimagined.