1982 welcomed the start of what continues to be the passion and heart beat of Pastor Paul Thangiah, the birth of the Full Gospel Assembly of God Church. What started as a humble beginning, of just 3 people, has turned into an ocean of people today. The zeal and enthusiasm came under much opposition from starvation to discouragement and being let down by people who promised to stand by till the end. What started in a small rented building, in Indiranagar Bangalore, saw an overflowing of all the rooms, and this took the Church to look for a bigger accommodation.
While negotiating the rent with the owner, he looked at Pastor Paul and said, “We do not want any sound in this place” to which Pastor Paul explained, “We get peace with expressing ourselves aloud since we are a full fledged Pentecostal Church.” It was reluctance in the beginning but later the owner loved to hear the services from the confines of his house. This building was on the main 100 feet road, Indiranagar. Slowly the services increased with the thrust in evangelism, there were more people attending and again an over flow in all the services.
The Lord at this point impressed on the heart of Pastor to start looking for a new building but this time it would be our own building. As we began to look for a place an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Col John, decided to gift the present day church land to FGAG. This came as a huge surprise and God’s doing since this was the cry of the church. Just the day prior to the signing of the papers Col. John called Pastor Paul and to his shock told him that he felt that he did not want to give him the land and he had changed his mind. Pastor Paul went on his knees before God, and our Heavenly Father intervened and assured him that Pastor Paul needs to look unto Him and not the person, to hold on to Him, and not any man. The next morning, as scheduled, Pastor picked up Col John and for the entire 20 minute drive, there was absolute silence. After reaching the place the meeting began and it was there that Col. John told the gathered heads that last evening he had told Pastor Paul that he was not going to give him the land, but in the night, God prompted him that he had to do this and it is His will that I give the land to FGAG. This was nothing short of a miracle.