Pastor Earl Jeyaraj brings more than 20 years of teaching, church-planting, and pastoral experience to New England Tamil Church. Earl is one of five children born to Rev. & Mrs. Y Jeyaraj, all of whom are involved in the ministry. Earl committed his life to the Lord at the age of seventeen and decided to follow God's calling into the ministry. He graduated from the Southern Asia Bible College, Bangalore, India and holds Masters Degrees from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO and the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA. Earl taught in the Tamil Nadu Bible College (Assemblies of God), Tamil Nadu, India for nine years. Pastor Jeyaraj is the founder of the New England Tamil Church and the Indian Christian Fellowship of Greater Hartford. Pastor Earl and his wife, Vimala, reside in Stoneham, MA with their two daughters, Belinda and Sharon.